Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Method 7

I really enjoyed this.
I know that we have our library website where they can log on for homework help in certain areas. I just see such a practical use of this. We have kids come in with projects and they search and search. If we can tag the information and log into it from any computer it's wonderful!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Method 6

I chose this one because it's a tour of the town where I went to college.

I honestly think certain videos are great for our website.

Training , and self help videos are a way for them to find out about certain aspects of the web.

I really think it can be very useful.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Method 4

I linked some of the sites that I might enjoy more than others.
I picked cute overload because who doesn't enjoy a good laugh with cute animals.
The big picture site had more news oriented items.
What's hot in google just because I might find something others found enjoyable to my liking.
When I have more time to play with google reader yes I might find myself enjoying the sight.

Method 3

I believe that some of these tools and concepts can be very helpful. At the same time I'm one who always tends to fall under the skeptical. Call me overly cautious if you will; I just don't feel really comfortable with certain things just out there.

There may be some benefit for libraries, I don't doubt that. I also know that at this time we have had to block my space and other such sites because people were complaining that they could see some of the pictures from other people and it looked like porn. Any mother who walks in with her 12 year old daughter does have a right to complain if their child looked over and saw that.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Methods 1 and 2

People being able to interact with the library is a good thing.
I enjoy all the new resources available to us.
When I get to ordering new items I might check several different blogs to get a different perspective on a certain item.

test run

New at this blogging. Hope to learn lots from this class.